At the beginning of September set out to blog every day in the month. As of yesterday, that's not happening. I had the idea back in August but decided to wait until September because it was shorter and I'd have five Saturday Morning Updates for easy posts. September also leads in to New York Comic Con, which means money has been tight. Not to mention some private stuff going on at my day job.I've had less money to buy things to review and less motivated to go out and do fun things, so I've had less things to blog about. The stuff I prepped back in August have been big hits, and the stuff I threw together at night when nothing had gone up yet proved to be a prime example of quantity over quality. I spent what little free time I had writing about stuff I didn't really care about. I might honestly go back and delete some of this month's posts all together. I would rather crack out one or two high quality posts than try to rush something every single day. This was supposed to be a fun experiment, but halfway through the test tubes exploded and nature bit back in a big way.
Let me know in the comments how your week went. I hope it was better than mine.